Hi. I'm X.Munty. Welcome to my comic blog. I started publishing comics in the 80's in Spanish specialized magazines (Cairo, Cimoc, El Vibora) as well as in most national newspapers. I also published in France, the US and five other countries. Since the 90's, I focused more on illustration and, as a colour artist, on animation. Now I'm back on the the comic track. I'm currently working on a new comic for the European market, "Alas Rojas" (Red Wings) meant to be the first installment of a trilogy. I'm posting the first pages here so you can see the work process.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

"Alas Rojas" 3

Seguimos con la historia, más viñetas pertenecientes a las nuevas páginas. Solo tinta, sin textos ni color:

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